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Corona Extra Beer Review - The Ultimate Entry Level Beer

Citrusy and light, Corona is one of the world's most popular beers with its instantly recognizable glass bottle accompanied with a hat like lime wedge. Corona originates from Mexico, first being brewed in 1925 in Mexico City at the Grupo Modelo Brewery. Much like other beers to come from north and south America around this time, Corona had influences and flavour’s inspired by the Americas and Europe, with many of the original brewery workers being German immigrants.

There are three main variations of the beer widely available, Corona, Corona Light and the most popular Corona Extra, a slightly stronger and more bitter version of the classic pale lager. It wasn’t until 1976, nearly 51 years after corona started brewing, that the beer was exported to Mexico’s closest neighbour, the United States. Corona then quickly rose to being Americas most popular beer just under 15 years later. Since then, the beer has stayed as one of North Americas most popular beers. Soon after exporting to the US and Canada, Corona became one of the most popular and recognizable beers globally.

The beers iconic and recognizable packaging, influenced by its name, shows a small crown coming from “corona” meaning crown in Spanish and underneath saying “la cerves mas fina”, meaning “the finest beer.” The golden colour of the beer contrasts with the navy blue and white design, helping give the beer its stand out and discernible appearance. Although not confirmed, it is also believed that the two animals on either side of the crown are griffons, sent to protect the crown, the crown being the beer of course.

Corona is only 4.5% ABV making it a relatively light beer, which could explain why its such a popular choice globally, especially for new beer drinkers. Usually being served with a wedge of lime, this gives the beers bitterness a complimentary sweetness. Like a slap on one cheek and a kiss on the other. The zingy citrus is another almost trademark of corona, being one of the only beers served with fruit or garnish of any sort. Interestingly, this zesty tradition is actually not traditional at all, and something very rarely found in Mexico. Any variation of Corona with a lime is a concept much more commonly found in Europe and North America.

So, what makes corona the perfect intro beer as well as one of the most popular? Being light with a tangy sweetness and not too bitter, the beverage is much more drinkable for people who don’t really drink beer as it simply isn't too beer like. Also being one of the most accessible beers globally helps, it's easy to get your hands on a bottle in pretty much any bar, club or store, both making it the ultimate entry level beer.

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Written By Kirsten Moreton.

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