Beavertown Neck Oil Beer Review - A Flavorful Journey through Craft Beer Excellence

Beavertown Brewery:

Pushing Boundaries and Embracing Creativity Beavertown Brewery, founded in 2011 by Logan Plant, son of rock & roll hall of fame and lead singer of Led Zeppelin Robert Plant, has quickly established itself as a trailblazer in the craft beer scene. With a mission to bring exciting and unique brews to beer lovers, Beavertown has pushed boundaries and consistently delivered exceptional products. Their commitment to quality and innovation is evident in every sip of their beers. From their flagship offerings like Beavertown Neck Oil to their diverse lineup of brews, the brewery has become synonymous with craft beer excellence.

The Story Behind Beavertown Neck Oil Beavertown Neck Oil

A beloved American Pale Ale, Beavertown neck oil has captivated the taste buds of beer enthusiasts worldwide since its introduction in 2012. With its distinctive branding and eye-catching can design, it has become an iconic representation of Beavertown's commitment to artistry and creativity. Crafted with passion and precision, this beer has gained a loyal following.

Flavor Profile and Tasting Notes

Beavertown Neck Oil is a beer that tantalizes the taste buds with its complex flavor profile. It pours a hazy golden color with a fluffy white head, creating an inviting visual experience. The aroma bursts with tropical fruit notes, including juicy mango, zesty grapefruit, and subtle hints of pineapple. As you take your first sip, the flavors unfold with a perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness. The tropical fruit sweetness is complemented by a citrusy hop character and a smooth malt backbone. The beer finishes with a refreshing and lingering bitterness, leaving a delightful impression on the palate.

Beavertown neck oil session IPA on draught served in a beavertown pint glass

Comparisons and Points of Reference

Beavertown Neck Oil can be likened to other popular American Pale Ales like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and Founders All Day IPA. However, what sets Neck Oil apart is its distinctive balance and the masterful integration of flavors that create a truly unique drinking experience. It's a beer that captures the essence of craft beer craftsmanship and showcases Beavertown's commitment to excellence.

Other Notable Beers from Beavertown Brewery

While Beavertown Neck Oil shines as a flagship offering, Beavertown Brewery has a range of other exceptional beers in its lineup. One notable brew is Beavertown Gamma Ray, an American Pale Ale bursting with citrusy hop flavors and a satisfying bitterness. It has gained a strong following among craft beer enthusiasts who appreciate bold and vibrant brews. Another noteworthy beer is Beavertown Lupuloid IPA, an India Pale Ale that showcases intense hop aromas, tropical fruit flavors, and a resinous hop bitterness. Both Gamma Ray and Lupuloid IPA exemplify Beavertown's dedication to crafting outstanding beers.

The Craft Beer Scene in the United Kingdom

Beavertown Brewery is part of a thriving craft beer scene in the United Kingdom. Craft breweries across the country are pushing the boundaries of traditional beer styles, experimenting with unique ingredients and techniques. From small independent breweries to larger craft beer establishments, the UK offers a diverse range of flavors and styles to cater to every beer lover's palate. The craft beer movement has gained momentum in recent years, with beer enthusiasts embracing the creativity and artistry behind these unique brews.

Craft Beer's Lineage and Influence

Craft beer's rise in popularity can be traced back to the early days of homebrewing and the passion of beer enthusiasts who sought to challenge the dominance of mass-produced beers. The movement gained traction in the United States in the 1980s, and its influence spread globally, including the United Kingdom. Craft breweries focus on quality, flavor, and innovation, often experimenting with different hops, malts, and yeast strains to create distinctive and memorable brews. This commitment to craftsmanship and creativity has reshaped the beer industry, offering consumers a wide range of flavors and styles to explore and enjoy.


Beavertown Neck Oil stands as a testament to the craft and creativity of Beavertown Brewery. Its exceptional flavor profile, combining tropical fruit sweetness with balanced hop bitterness, showcases the brewery's commitment to crafting outstanding beers. With each sip of Beavertown Neck Oil, you embark on a flavorful adventure that exemplifies the spirit of innovation and craftsmanship. Experience the delight of Beavertown's offerings and indulge in the world of craft beer excellence.

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Written by Cameron Mackenzie, follow him @c_mackenzie15 or by clicking here.

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